Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Price of a Peach

We live in an Age of Price Comparison, so I was unsurprised a reader should be in touch about yesterday’s post, Daylesford: It's Love.

The soup and sandwich cost roughly £6. Give or take a few pence, that’s on par with the competition.

The price conscious customer would do well to avoid the fruit. This Spanish peach, weighing a paltry 138 grams, costs a staggering £1.32. I buy peaches very infrequently so have no idea if that’s untypical. But four 33 pence bites later it doesn’t feel like value.

I know it was bought in Belgravia. I understand it’s organic. But £1.32? For a peach? Think about that.

The Daylesford Organic Spanish peach, yours for £1.32

Incidentally, when TS Eliot wrote ‘Do I dare to eat a peach’ he was thought to be alluding to Prufrock’s feelings of sexual inadequacy, not the cost of a piece of organic fruit.

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