Thursday 28 July 2011

Venting Spleen again

A friend, whose opinion I value highly, read this and urged me not to let my blog become a place of perpetual whining and sounding-off. One diatribe after another is no fun, she said. And besides, these rants of yours are fogeyish and don’t show you in a good light. And yet I've always thought the French dramatist Henry de Montherlant was on to something when he said: ‘happiness writes white’.

So I’m going to keep this piece of spleen venting brief. Not because I don’t have a lot to say on the issue, and certainly not because the garment in question does not deserve thousands of words of ridicule and scorn (it does), but because this thing is so ludicrous that one picture is all that’s required.

When did somebody first think that neither trousers nor shorts would suffice, and that these were the answer?

p.s. there’s another rant to come this afternoon, after which I’ll do my best to be positive.

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